Bruno Mars <3

det finns en man i världen som verkligen finns där jämnt. Bruno Mars my man <3

ska gifta mig med honom!
vill se honom live asså!
och han är i stockholm nästa lördag, men har match nästa söndag så hinner inte vara i stockholm så länge jag vill och så.. men han borde ju komma tillbaka fler gånger :)

här är min favorit låt för stunden :

( )


Once again you're home alone
Tears running from your eyes
And I'm on the outside
Knowing that you're all I want
But I can't do anything
I'm so helpless baby

Everyday same old things
So you're still feelin pain
Never had real love before
And it ain't her fault

She knows better but
She can't help it
Wanna tell her
But would that be selfish
How do you heal
A heart that can't feel, it's broken
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows

You've been livin this way so long
You don't know the difference
And it's killing me
Cause you can have so much more
I'm the one your looking for
But you close your eyes on me
So you still can't see

Everyday same old things
So you're still feelin pain
Never had real love before
And it ain't her fault

She knows better but
She can't help it
Wanna tell her
But would that be selfish
How do you heal
A heart that can't feel, it's broken
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows

All she knows is the pain
In the corner of an empty home
She's still comfortable
I want her to know
It can be better than this
I can't pretend
Wish we were more than friends

She knows better but
She can't help it
Wanna tell her
But would that be selfish
How do you heal
A heart that can't feel, it's broken
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows
His love is all she knows, all she knows, all she knows

♥ Bruno Mars ♥

BTW: lämnar J bakom mig och som jag och mathilda kom överens ( o detta ska vi inte göra bokstavligen): vi lägger honom i en soptunna som vi sätter eld på o sedan slänger vi den till våldtäktsmännen ( innebörden av detta: lämnar honom helt bakom mig och tänker framåt, som min pappa säger, varför fästa sig vid en gran när du har hela skogen full. blir verkligen stolt över min pappa ibland :p )

1 kaj:


Olle är bäst:)

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